Tribal Group
A leading provider of technology systems and services to education sectors around the world
Strategic Challenge:
Unite a group of businesses and products around a single brand.
Creative Challenge:
Create a brand that made you feel you're in safe hands.

What emotions and personality did we want to create for the brand?
This project was all about unifying a business that had grown and transformed through several years of acquisitions.
To create a sense of unity we used the 'Alchemist' brand archetype, giving it a blended and modern feel.
Tribal, through both design and acquisition, is a group of teams focused around their own product lines or sectors. We saw the re-brand as a way of uniting everyone. Not only to create a deeper emotional bond internally, but to help drive efficiencies and cross-selling opportunities.
Externally, Tribal's portfolio is very diverse, operating across very different buying points within the education sector. Some customers know tribal only through one product brand, while others know them for a wider product portfolio. We wanted to find a way to unite all the products and sub-brands; to pull together their diverse portfolio around the needs of the customer.
Our solution
The approach we took was to create a master brand, to build a common visual language for their sub-brands and unite everything around one simple unifying message - 'working as one'. This message worked internally and externally, across sales lines and different markets.
To create an even deeper emotional connection, we developed a visual identity that reflected the concept of working as one. This blended visual treatment created a warmth as well as a distinct unifying feel to their brand.